The purpose of this project is to supervise on construction of Ilesa Water Supply and Sanitation Project.The construction of water treatment plant of 60,000 m3/day capacity including High Lift Pump Station and Sludge Disposal System under the Design-Build Basis. The treated water from the Water Treatment Plant will be conveyed to Ilesa township through a 17.2 km, 800mm diameter DI; 4.9km 600mm diameter DI; 11.2 km, 400mm. diameter DI; to the three concrete reservoirs (2*10000 m3 and 1*6000 m3 capacity) placed strategically at different elevation to ensure gravity distribution of potable water within the networks of pipelines in the town And also a Booster Pump Station is located about 17.2 km down-stream of the Water Treatment Plant.
1 Units Steel Elevated Tank: 1 Unit (1*500 m3 capacity).
Pumping Station: 1 Unit with capacity of 0.7 m3/s and power of 315 kw (4+2).
Booster Pump: 1 Unit with capacity of 0.46 m3/s and power of 250 kw (3+1) and 1 Unit with capacity of 0.23 m3/s and power of 132 kw (3+1).

- One cascade Aerator with triple drops
- Three pre-sedimentation tanks
- Three Clariflocculators (Centriflocs)
- Six Rapid Gravity Filters
- Removal Packages (Arsenic, Mercury, Lead)
- Effective Chemical/Chlorinating System
- One Clear Water/Balancing Tank
- Effective Back-Wash System
- High Lift Pump Station comprising six (4duty, 2 standby) 637.5m3/hr, 114m pump
- One 11/415kv 2MVA Transformer –expandable to 5MVA and Two 1MVA generators (1Duty / 1Standby)
- Outflow Metering System;
- Adequate Chemical Store
- Staff Quarters
- Perimeter Fencing.