Irrigation, Drainage & Agriculture Department and Its Capacities
The Irrigation, Drainage & Agriculture Department (IDAD) of the Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering Company provides a broad range of consulting engineering services aimed at provision of food security, increase of water efficiency and improvement of land resouces according to sustainable development aspects and in line with the Vision, Mission and policy of the company with regard to its worthwhile presence in Global, Regional and local markets.
The highly educated and intelligent management and working team, their honest work and behavior, utilization of modern technologies, greatly valuable experience (with over thirty years), a collection of more than 500 manpower skilled in a wide range of specialty fields, use of modern and well-equipped soil and water laboratories, ability to pioneer high-quality engineering services, strict attention to the time schedule of the projects, together with the national and international government and private sector clients' trust, provision of effective solutions to clients' challenges and needs, cultural flexibility, social responsibility and participation in humanitarian activities, are the core values of this department in the organization chart of the Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering Company and are in fact, the main incentives of IDAD.
The IDAD is highly proud of having done or doing more than 550 major projects at different stages so far. In addition, studying more than 3.5 million hectares of main and subsidiary irrigation and drainage networks and supervising their construction are among the brilliant record of the activities of this department.
The engineering services, which this department renders, cover a wide range of basic studies, prefeasibility and feasibility studies, preliminary and detailed design, and supervision over the construction works, operation and maintenance management, rehabilitation and reconstruction along with participation in DB and EPC projects in the following scopes:
- Irrigation and drainage networks
- Diversion dams, water conveyance systems and intake installations
- Flood control and river training works
- Pumping stations, hydraulic structures and related facilities
- Agricultural investigation and agro-product economics
- Aquaculture and animal husbandry
- Soil survey and Land classification
- Geological survey and geotechnics
- Sampling, testing and analysis of water and soil quality
- Integration and renovation of agricultural lands
- Empowerment and formation of water users' association, and development of community participation
- Haloculture agro-industrial activities and development of carbon sequestration
- General engineering and construction methods, cost estimation, preparation and compilation of tender documents
- Preparation of standards, technical guidelines and references for national and domestic use
- Market engineering and business development on a worldwide basis