Karkheh Dam & Hydropower Plant Project

Project Purpose / Layout

To reserve the surface flows for irrigating over 345 ha field in Khuzistan province and Ilam province and generating 934-MWH hydroelectricity per annum.

Geographic Location
The Karkheh dam is built in 21-km northeast of Andimeshk in Khuzestan province (southwest of Iran). It is located between 48o 7.8' eastern longitude and 32o 29.6' northern latitude.

Project History
The studies on water and soil resources development project of the Karkheh River Basin were begun by Water Resources & Development Company (USA) in 1956. Water Resources & Development Engineering Company conducted the phase I studies on proposal for the Karkheh Storage Dam 1974 through 1979. The complementary studies were assigned to Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering Company in 1987. And the new dam axes were proposed to Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering Company and Kanic Company (China) in 1989.

Specific Characteristics of Project
- The largest artificial lake in Iran (area: 160 km3 & storage: 1.3 of the dam reservoirs in Iran).
- Tourist attraction and fish breeding.

Technical Specifications of Project
Dam |
Dam type |
Earthfill dam with clay core |
Dam height above foundation (m) |
127 |
Dam crest length (m) |
3030 |
Dam crest width (m) |
12 |
Dam body volume (m3) |
32500 x 103 |
Total reservoir volume (m3) |
5300 x 106 |
Active reservoir volume (m3) |
3900 x 106 |
Mean annual inflow (m3/s) |
177 |
Spillway |
Type of spillway |
Ogee spillway (gate chute spillway) |
Flood discharge capacity (m3/s) |
18260 |
Powerhouse |
Powerhouse type |
Surface |
Number of units |
3 |
Design head (m) |
42 |
Installation capacity (MW) |
400 |
Mean annual generation (GWH) |
934 |
Diversion System |
Type of diversion system |
Culvert |
Number of diversion tunnels |
1 |
Length of diversion system (m) |
790 m |
Diameter of diversion tunnel (m) |
- |
Discharge capacity of diversion system (m3/s) |
3680 m3/s |
Power Tunnel |
Length of power tunnel (m) |
1339 |
Diameter of power tunnel (m) |
6.2 |
Water Conveyance Tunnel |
Length of water supply tunnel (m) |
6097 |
Diameter of water supply tunnel (m) |
5.5 |
Bottom Outlet |
Discharge capacity of bottom outlet (m3/s) |
120 |
Intakes |
Discharge capacity of irrigation intake (m3/s) |
- |
Discharge capacity of drinking water intake (m3/s) |
- |
Discharge capacity of power intake (m3/s) |
478.5 |
Relocation Roads & Access Roads |
Length of relocation roads (km) |
- |
Length of access roads (km) |
52 |