Structural and Civil Engineering

Feasibility and detailed design of different projects including
- Structural design
- Architectural design
- Civil Engineering
- Geotechnical
- Strengthening of Structures
- Crisis Management
Feasibility and detailed design of different buildings of water and wastewater treatment plants, pump stations, water reservoirs, auxiliary buildings and access roads. These are performed in the following three groups
Structural Group
- Preliminary studies
- Analysis
- Design of different structures such as:
- Process buildings of water and wastewater treatment plants
- Surface and aerial tanks for water storage
- Concrete manholes
- Valve chambers, trenches, buttresses, administration, residential and security buildings, warehouses and workshops
Architectural Group
- Preliminary and final design of buildings
- Preliminary layout of above-mentioned units
Civil and Geotechnical Group
- Geotechnical studies
- Site layout
- Design of surface water disposal and drainage systems
- Design of access roads and appurtenant structures such as bridges, conduits, Irish bridges and retaining walls,
Strengthening Studies
- Geotechnical and geophysical studies
- Seismic hazard analysis and determination of project earthquake spectra
- Preparation of present state of structures drawings
- Performing tests and determination of structural configuration
- Review test results
- Modeling
- Loading
- Defining sections and determination of tensile and shear strengths of sections
- Preparation of quantitative report