Wind Energy
Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering experts on project development provide the clients with an entire spectrum of technical and management services throughout life cycle of wind farm.
Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering experts represent the best proposal for construction of a wind farm by considering several indices of a proposed site including a combination of basic analysis of wind resources, technology of wind turbine and energy generation, geological information and foundation concepts, potential to be connected to network, complexities of construction, economic, financial and social analyses and environmental aspects. Moreover, Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering experts will be capable of classifying and assess the sites to assist the clients with the selection of the optimum site.
Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering Company offer comprehensive services including feasibility study of site, consultation on selection of turbine, construction supervision, inspection during or after construction period and energy audit during operation period to power plant owners, project developers, EPC contractors, equipment suppliers, investors, financiers and operators.